Dash in Shanghai

About Me

Hello, I'm Joshua Clifford "Dash" Reyes, with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege to contribute to the open source community through various projects, many of which I continue to support and maintain. My approach to development is flexible; I value design patterns and best practices for their structure, yet I'm equally inclined to prioritize simplicity and directness in my projects, aiming for code that's straightforward and maintainable.

Beyond coding, I have a passion for gaming. Role-playing games (RPGs), chess, and strategy games are my go-to genres. I'm particularly fond of the Nintendo Switch for its versatility, being able to switch from handheld to tabletop to TV mode is a game-changer for me. The innovation it represents has me eagerly anticipating what the future holds for gaming technology.

My enthusiasm for coding, continuous learning, and problem-solving is boundless. It's hard to picture a time when these activities won't be part of my daily life.